Sodium-Zinc Battery

Houston, Texas

Nov. 30 – Dec. 1, 2023

 Workshop Date

Count Every Second Until the Workshop



NAATBatt Workshop on Rechargeable Sodium-Zinc Battery Technology

NAATBatt International, the trade association for advanced battery technology in North America, will hold its sixth annual workshop on zinc battery technology and its first annual workshop on sodium battery technology as a single, two-day program on November 30-December 1, 2023 at the University of Houston in Houston, Texas. The program will examine scientific progress and commercial opportunity in two battery technologies that may soon seriously compete with lithium battery technology.


University of Houston
Student Center South – Ballroom 2nd Fl.
4455 University Drive, Houston, TX 77204


Thursday, November 30 -
Friday, December 1, 2023



advances in rechargeable battery technologies based on earth-abundant sodium and zinc may soon offer alternatives to expensive, supply-constrained lithium batteries in many applications

As world-wide demand for lithium batteries expands dramatically and threatens to outgrow the supply of lithium, nickel and cobalt needed to make those batteries, steady scientific progress is being made in rechargeable battery technologies based on sodium and zinc.  As a result of this progress, lithium batteries may soon face serious challengers in the market. Announcements about sodium-ion powered vehicles made earlier this year by in China BYD and CATL suggest that this competition may come much sooner than many may think.

This year NAATBatt will expand its annual zinc battery workshop to two days.  The first day will focus on developments in rechargeable sodium battery technology. The second day will focus on rechargeable zinc battery technology. Scientific developments and commercial opportunities in both technologies will be discussed and applications where one or both technologies may find early adopters will be highlighted.

Anyone interested in learning what may lie beyond lithium-ion battery technology should attend this program. Battery science is moving at lightning speed. Those who do not keep up with it risk missing out on major opportunities.

About the Networking

NAATBatt Programs are About Making New Connections

The program will include plenty of networking, including opportunities to meet some of the leading companies in both sodium and zinc battery technology as well as the leading scientists and technologists working in these areas. Attendees will hear the latest news about developments in sodium and zinc battery technology and have the opportunity to engage in informal conversations with leaders in these fields. As always, NAATBatt programs are about making new connections and encouraging new business among companies active in the North American advanced battery supply chain.

University of Houston Student Center South image
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Socialize with Colleagues At The Workshop Dinner

There will be an optional networking dinner for workshop attendees on the evening of Thursday, November 30 at El Tiempo Cantina. Join your industry colleagues for an evening of fun and good cheer. Just make sure to bring your business cards. An amazing amount of business gets done at these NAATBatt networking dinners. Sign up for the dinner soon, as attendance may be limited.

Join Us in Houston, Texas on November 30th – December 1st For This Important Program